Beds, Pillows & Sheets

This poem is the reflection after several visits with my sponsor Pastor Jim & his wife Mary in their nursing homes in Lancaster County

Beds, Pillows, and Sheets

We are Nursing Home beds, pillows, and sheets

We are plain and simple, but we comfort those in need

We support them, spend time with them days and nights

Listening to every whisper; catching each tear when they cry.


We become best friends when they move into our home

We welcome all people, no matter where they’re from

Whether they’re Black, Asian, Hispanic, or White

All have sadness in their eyes; all face the same frights.


When our friends are happy, we know who will come soon

When our friends are sad, perhaps, they have been marooned

Hiding their pain, they pull the sheet up high

Covering their heads, turning to pillow as they weep and cry.


When seeing them in pain; it makes us sad

When seeing them laugh; it makes us glad

And when seeing them sad; it makes us on edge

But we are saddest when they empty their last breath.


Jim Huynh – March 17, 2020